With our life expectancy increasing and health improving there are more and more people across Australia approaching retirement.
And according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS):
• Half a million people in Australia intend to retire within 5 years
• The average age at which Australians intend to retire is 65.5 years
• Pension was the main income source for most retirees
Although the pension is listed as a main source of income for retirees, additional income streams are recommended for financial stability and to ensure your financial needs are met into the future.
And that’s why we believe an experienced Financial Advisor plays a vital role in building wealth for their clients; helping you to create the retirement that best fits your lifestyle.
At Hub Advisory Group, the role we play in your retirement planning is multi-faceted, and may include:
1. Reviewing your superannuation and assets to gain a detailed insight into your portfolio
2. Providing guidance and advice on investments, even during times of market uncertainty and change
3. Assessing and advising you on which financial products will provide you with the greatest benefits, which may include guaranteed lifetime annuities or investment-linked lifetime annuities.
Lifetime annuities are becoming a popular retirement product, particularly for retirees seeking long-term certainty of their capital. Lower-risk annuities provide locked-in incomes for life, with disciplined structures that provide principal returns on payments. There is also the potential added benefit of reducing assessable assets for Age Pension assessment by using these products.
For those retirees looking to reduce Age Pension assessable assets, but still seeking a higher longer-term return, investment-linked annuities may be the solution. These annuities will provide variable rates of income depending on the ups and downs of investment markets, but it still provides an income stream for life.
Annuities are often an effective tool for generating an additional layer of income in retirement to supplement superannuation pensions, and in some cases, Age Pension.
You can read more about annuities in our blog ‘How Can An Annuity Help My Retirement?’
Whilst an incredibly exciting prospect, we understand that planning your retirement can also be overwhelming.
If you’d like more certainty as you prepare to retire don’t hesitate to call 4926 8000 to speak with the team of Financial Advisors at Hub Advisory Group, Newcastle.
We will work with you on a tailored plan that best suits your retirement goals.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Disclaimer: This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.