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Investing in the current economic climate


If you’ve been reading the news or following the trends no doubt you would have noticed that global stock markets have had significant levels of volatility of late.

There are many current and pressing reasons for this, and to name just a few:

- the ongoing nature of the global COVID19 pandemic

- rising rates of inflation

- an upcoming Australian election

- the pending potential for interest rates to rise

- global conflict and unrest, particularly in Ukraine

The truth of it is that volatility is a completely normal part of investing, and it’s here to stay.

As an investor, you can’t avoid it, but you can manage how you react to it.

This is the perfect time to remember; investing is about time in the market, rather than timing the market.

With a solid investment strategy in place, you don’t need to panic.

Informed investing can withstand levels of volatility, can increase in value over time and ultimately build wealth for your future.

At Hub, we love working with everyday Australians looking to get ahead financially, both as individuals and business owners. We ensure our advice is simple and easy to understand, helping you to make informed investment decisions and taking the stress out of your financial planning.

If you’d like to speak to a specialist about your current, and any future, personal or superannuation investment strategy, give the team at Hub Advisory Group a call on (02) 4926 8000 or make an appointment to see one of our Financial Advisors at 275A Hunter St, Newcastle NSW 2300.

This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.


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